For the ringing in the ears that is more like a roar, a man slightly opened his eyes. Where is here? The ceiling without the remembrance, it wavers into the veiled view. In memory to flicker, the man was puzzled. What have i done up to now? It is in like this place why?
The vicinity is hurried when noticing, the person of the white robe is coming and going. Then, will here be a hospital? Why, why, why, why. The thought again, it changed into a noisy tinnitus.
While the man is tormented by consciousness and memory to become turbid, still little by little, it took time and remembered it. Thing to be done his own. "Holy Mother" of creation. Ah that is right, it was so. I "Holy Mother" it is necessary to create... The man in tottering the step made, the hospital is done back. Few days later, one of the nurses disappeared from the hospital, through all eternity.
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