Aruki Sumahou wa Jourei Ihan -Mitsuketara Mondou Muyoude Soku Hame Namachuu Dashi | Download

歩きスマホは条例違反!見つけたら問答無用で即ハメ生中出し! The Motion Anime


202X, the world where the rate of smartphones has expanded further than it is now.
The act of operating a smartphone while walking, the so-called "walking smartphone," has become a social problem due to the large number of accidents, and
the "walking smartphone ordinance" that regulates it has been introduced.

It is said that a well-behaved citizen selected from the country can act as a private observer and
give caution and punishment on the spot to people who are walking smartphones.

One day, due to some mistake, a half-enclosed letter arrives at me.
There was a passcard inside and a sentence attached to it.

Walking smartphone ordinance, appointing observer

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