Euphoria 03 (English Sub) | Download

euphoria ~白夜凛音 輪廻転生編~


Having been confined in a white secret room, protagonist and six heroines.

[start a game from now on]

The world of disorder that starts from sentence of voice of mystery. The sense that this is a deja vu crosses in mind of protagonist. The class chairman Miyako Andou who is the dropout of the game starting with death from electricity, voice of mystery to make protagonists compel abnormal one after another act. The sense like having experienced in the past, a further suffering is given to the protagonist.

Protagonist to beautiful girl with many mysteries Byakuya Rinne are raped one after another. Ass attack, whip, dirt smeared etc, the act that wants to avert one's eyes it is begun. Whenever one pervert act ends, one door connected with the exit opens. While other woman watch it with a monitor, immorality act with Byakuya Rinne unfolded one after another. What is the face in the back of Byakuya Rinne who will come into view before long...

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