Henshin!!! - Pantsu ni Natte Kunkun Peropero | Download

へんし~ん!!!~パンツになってクンクンペロペロ~ パン・ツー・パック!


When he says [ "how would like to be girls pants"], my younger sister has run away. Its in a girls dormitory now. Nice, are not you? From want to do kunkakunka the reason is that. Well but if itll be pants, in Nao or,... may be slightly too exciting. If its so, is it a skirt? Su-ha- is able to do to the underpants. The chair is also good. Sit on a soft ass and want to. I human why.  It does to the girl tease and though the as much as you would like to when it is possible to become a person.

Healthy boy Tenzaka Yuji who have such desire. A living thing like a talked cat went and died in front of him who goes home from a school. When she(?) is nursed, a cellular phone with a ton demonstration function is given to a main character in the fee you helped. That was the "Cellular phone with the transformation ability" by which... is accustomed with every kind of thing!! the main character who has got the ability of which he even dreamed. This ability is used and I play a trick on a girl and its extraordinary! One side, In the way that Nanako has another purpose...?

Transformation H of the main character who doesnt know to stop starts now!

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